Day 18: The branch of Jesse- This prophecy in Isaiah is I believe, the basis for the "Jesse Tree".
"A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit."
There is no specific story about this in the Bible in Stories and the passage is worth reading from - Isaiah 11

If you are following along with the Bible in Stories - pages 432-435
If using the Bible or another Bible reader - Jonah 1-4

This ornament is a picture of the Babylon gate, from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. We actually got to see this gate moved and re-built in a museum in Berlin, Germany which was an incredible experience.
If you are following along with the Bible in Stories - summarizing pages 408-415, 422-425
If using the Bible or another Bible reader - summarize Daniel 1-6
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