Tonight Joseph and Moses showed up for Advent! Vests or robes are one of the easiest kind of costumes to make and they have used them in a million ways. I like their initiative!
So far we have covered the first 8 major people and events: Creation, Fall, Flood, Nations & Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. Now we will spend 2 days covering the amazing stories of Moses.
Our Language Arts (My Father's World) and History (Story of the World) have been right on in helping with Advent this year. During our morning lesson we did this fun sticker activity from SOTW with the 10 plagues, reading from Bible in Stories and adding the part to the picture for each one. I am kind of addicted to my home laminator so I made all of the pieces re-positional to be saved for other years.
Tonight we read about Moses being saved by Pharaoh's daughter, his growing up among the Egyptians but eventually fleeing from them. Then God speaking to him through the burning bush and commissioning him to return to Egypt's Pharaoh to have the Israelites set free, their eventual freedom and the first Passover. We had read about the 10 plagues in detail this morning so we skipped ahead to the miraculous Exodus and how God provided food for them daily in the wilderness. In the box there are paper and felt burning bush and manna ornaments, more Lego pieces, and "manna". My husband had once said he thought manna might have been like Frosted Flakes, but since we didn't have any, Frosted Shredded Wheats had to do. They were received without any grumbling.
If you are following along with the Bible in Stories - telling by the pictures pages 110-148
If using the Bible or another Bible reader - summarize Exodus 1-16
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